Englische Schauwellensittiche - Daniel Lütolf

Daniel Lütolf
Zelglistrasse 7
CH-5436 Würenlos
+41(0)56 424 24 27
+41(0)79 705 49 08

Webkantine Webdesign Webentwicklung Social Media Marketing Grafik Affoltern am Albis Nathalie Ferrari

World of Exhibition Budgerigar 7.1.2020

Impressions Daniel Lütolf 2020 release by Timo Harr




BudgiePlanet 1.2.2020

A visit to the Swiss Budgerigar Maestro and his flying heroes| Daniel Lütolf 2020 Beautiful Birds.

BUDGIE aviary, HOW TO BREED / BUDGERIGARS / BUDGIES beautiful birds.

A film about the famous breeder Daniel Lütolf from Switzerland.




Timo Harr 18.9.19

European Champion and WBO World Champion 2019 Daniel Lütolf

Impressions AZ European Championship and WBO World Show Karlsruhe - Winner Daniel Lütolf






© Daniel Lütolf, Zelglistrasse 7, CH-5436 Würenlos, Tel ++41 (0)56 424 24 27, Mob Tel ++41 (0)79 705 49 08, info@daniel-luetolf.ch

