Englische Schauwellensittiche - Daniel Lütolf

Daniel Lütolf
Zelglistrasse 7
CH-5436 Würenlos
+41(0)56 424 24 27
+41(0)79 705 49 08

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Show Winner 2019

European Championship Karlsruhe August 2019


European Champion 2019
Best of show
Best old bird
1.0 Cinnamon Greygreen


Best old bird opposite sex
0.1 Cinnamon Greygreen


Bayern Cup June 2019

Bayern Cup Showwinner 1.0 Grau
Best old bird
Best of show


Best young bird
0.1 Cinnamon lightblue
Best opposite sex


Best old bird opposite sex
Best opposite sex
0.1 Cinnamon greygreen
Best young bird opposite sex
1.0 Cobalt
1.0 Darkgreen
Best lightblue 0.1 lightblue
Best piebald 1.0 GG Piebald lightblue
Best piebald 1.0 GG Piebald lightblue
Best recessive piebald
1.0 recessive piebald darkblue


0.1 Cinnamon piebald grey


1.0 Cinnamon darkgreen


0.1 Opaline GG Cobalt



ZEWA Show Flums September 2019


1.0 Opaline greygreen
Best of show
Best oldbird


0.1 Greygreen
Best opposite sex
Best old bird opposite sex

1.0 Greygreen
Best of show young bird
Best young bird opposite sex
0.1 Lacewing GG White



1.0 Spangle Violet


0.1 GG Lightblue


1.0 Violet


0.1 Lightblue



© Daniel Lütolf, Zelglistrasse 7, CH-5436 Würenlos, Tel ++41 (0)56 424 24 27, Mob Tel ++41 (0)79 705 49 08, info@daniel-luetolf.ch

